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The Effect Of Love On Pets

Animal cruelty/abuse has become a growing issue worldwide. In the U.S alone, roughly 10

million pets die under the hands of abuse yearly. This can be a result of domestic abuse that already prospers in the home, entertainment, poaching/hunting, and even manifestation of one's personal psychological traumas. The animals who do fortunately do not pass away, are left with prolonged emotional suffering, as well as illness and physical pain. However, even with all the afflictions the animal has suffered, it is possible to cater to them and better their situation. This can be done through providing a safe space for them, identifying their triggers, and most importantly, providing love to your pet. Here are some of the positive effects that showing affection can have on your pet.

Establishes a Healthy Bond

Showing affection is the basis of a healthy relationship with your pet. Being that dogs are naturally pack animals, they frequently want to engage with others. With cats, although they are known to be fierce and independent animals, they also crave human touch/ endearment. By showing tenderness to your pets, you are ensuring consolidation and secureness in your home.

Promotes good behavior

Loving your pet can encourage your dogs to want to listen to your commands, and make them more compliant. Doing this can also instill signs of dominance, which can help your pet understand your role in their life.

Lessens Aggression

Ongoing involvement with your furry friend has been proven to be a way to combat aggressive tendencies in pets.

Even if your pet has endured hardships earlier in their life, it is possible to turn that around and offer a healthy home for them. Offer that for them, and watch the amazing relationship that can stem from being caring.

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