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Do's and Don'ts For Your New Puppy

Happy New Year and welcome to 2023! This year is what you make it. A year for improvement, new beginnings, fresh starts, and maybe even a new furry friend. Pets have been proven to improve your physical / mental health. They reduce the risk of heart disease, decrease cortisol, a stress inducing hormone, and they promote a healthier aging life. Owning pets also encourages people to go outside more often, to socialize, and boost exercise opportunities. So if you do decide to acquire a pet this year, notably a new puppy, here are some Do’s and Don’ts while taking care of your pup.

DON’T: Mistreat, jerk, or yell at your puppy

Doing this can cause long term psychological harm, and result in your pup being fearful of you. Be polite and patient with your puppy, and see how they will soon warm up to you

DON’T: Expect your dog to understand full sentences

Dogs understand word cues, but not full sentences. If you tell a dog, “sit” compared to “Come and sit down” it may be difficult for them to understand. So keep the commands short, so your dog can better comprehend the action you would like for them to complete.

DO: Instill and maintain a routine

By doing this, your can establish good behavior, healthy eating habits for your puppy, and they can learn potty training

Do: Build a bond with your pup

This is your new pet! Make them feel at home, get comfortable with them, and build a relationship

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