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How To Keep Your Pet Warm This Winter

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

Winter is here! Which means it's time for us to bring out the coats, sit by the fire, and drink hot drinks to keep us warm. But what about our pets? More specifically, our feline pets. Just like us, cats can change their routine to adjust to the season. That being said, it is important to know how to cater to your cat's specific needs during this time. But first, we need to understand their changing habits to know how to effectively go about taking care of them.

Behavioral Changes

During the winter, cats tend to become more lazy, and begin sleeping/resting for longer periods of time. They like to snuggle, and be comfortable during this season. This is due to daylight savings, which causes them to develop earlier bedtimes. They also begin to spend most of their time finding a warm place to sleep.

Now that we understand cat’s tendency shifts during the winter, here are some ways to help your cat be comfortable this upcoming season.

Take Care of Their Coat

Cats aren’t used to cold weather. So being in cold climates can often result in them developing hyperthermia and frostbite. We wear coats during the winter to stay heated. Likewise, to keep warm, a cat needs a coat. Lucky for them, their coat is already built in! But to ensure your cat stays snug throughout the season, it is essential to know how to maintain it. Ways to do this is by constantly brushing your cat's fur, looking for any signs of dandruff, taking care of matted areas, and feeding them a healthy diet.

( ChelseaPets Catnip Chew Treats is a great healthy treat to purchase for your cat! ).

Keep Cats Inside

When cats go outdoors, they are at high risk of catching parasites and diseases from other animals. During the winter, these chances surges due to colder temperature and the decreases in the ability to see from the harsher weather conditions. To avoid this, it's best to keep your cats indoors, provide a litter tray, and many indoor activities that they can partake in.

Move Cat Beds to Warmer Places in Your House

In the winter, cats often are in search of a warm place to lay and rest. To make it easier for them, move their beds to warmer corners of the house so you can keep your cats comfy.

Cats deserve to feel cozy and warm this December too! So take these steps to ensure your pet has a toasty and homely winter.

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